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Fighting Climate Change

Personally, one can contribute to mitigating climate change in many ways. While the mitigation needed will require drastic change across all levels of society, from one's household to the government, one can still make significant contributions from the comfort of their own home.

Practice energy efficiency

You can make many changes within your own home that can contribute to reducing your own personal greenhouse gas emissions. Plus, you get to save money.

  • Make sure to turn off electronics such as computers and TVs when you're no longer using them.

  • Be a conscious consumer and purchase energy-efficient products. Purchasing appliances and light bulbs that are energy-efficient not only reduce your personal contribution to greenhouse gas emissions but also lowers your electric bill. Look for products with the Energy Star label.

  • Wash your clothes in cold water and hang your clothes to dry if possible.

  • Learn ways to reduce the use of a heater and air conditioner during the winter and summer, respectively.

Eat climate-friendly

Food production contributes greatly to greenhouse gas emissions and deciding which food products to consume can have a profound effect on these emissions.

  • Shift to more plant-based diets. Shifting to this style of diet can significantly reduce your own contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. This doesn't necessarily mean becoming vegan or vegetarian. It means to cut down on your consumption of animal-based products.

  • Beef and dairy products are both emission and water-intensive. Cattle account for 10% of total global greenhouse gas emissions. Chicken, pork, and wild-caught fish are much less emission-intensive.

  • Reduce your own food wastes.

  • Buy local whenever possible. Local products tend to be less emission-intensive.

For more resources on eating climate-friendly, click here.

Reduce emissions on your commute

Whenever possible, use different modes of transportation to reduce your car usage.

  • If you work close to home, consider using a bike or public transportation to commute to work.

  • Carpool with coworkers to reduce each other's emissions.

  • Consider switching to fuel-efficient cars when you're thinking of purchasing your next car.

Spread awareness and vote

It will take great collective action to mitigate climate change. The more you talk about it with others, the more efficiently individual action can affect climate change. Consider talking with your family and friends about the issues climate change poses for them.

Make sure you're registered and going out to vote every election cycle and be aware of how your representatives stand on climate change. Keep up with news cycles and how the United States, your state, and your city are tackling climate change. Additionally, support legislation that supports climate change action. Support representatives that talk about climate change and have plans for climate action.

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